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Our God is So Big Yet He Cares for Each of Us

Writer's picture: Rene ChristensenRene Christensen

I have been studying the Psalms for the past few weeks. As I have been doing this, I have been listing everything that I have learned about God. I am only on Psalm 18 yet I have filled up four pages of names and characteristics of God. It is a complete comfort to rest in who He is. He is our rock, shield, defender, and stay.

Our God is so big, that we can't ever fully grasp how great He is. Yet even as awesome and powerful as He is, He uses that power to care for believers gently with such care.

It is so important that we know who God is. We need to talk about Him daily with our children. We can have this small picture in our mind that is narrow, but I want to know everything that He reveals about Himself in Scripture. When you love someone, you want to know everything you can about them. We are to love God more than anyone or anything else. He is to be first.

Learning more about God only increases our love for Him. It increases our faith as we see who He is, how He cares, what He has done, and what He will do.

I have spent three days studying Psalm 18. There is so much revealed about God in this Psalm. I am typing this up from my personal daily journal as I study God's Word, but I felt led to share this with you.

I have cried as I have written out these words in gratefulness and just feeling overwhelmed with the love and care only He can give. The thing is He loves more than I could ever love. When He says that He protects, He has all of the power to do what He says. My husband would die trying to protect me, but He is mortal and not all-powerful. With God, it is completely different. He is over all things, yet He cares for the little things in our lives.

Psalm 18 was written by David as a "song to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul." David had many enemies. He was literally at risk of losing his life constantly. He had been hiding with a group of men and having to move around as Saul, the Philistines, and more wanted to kill him. He gave glory to God and knew that it was only God that allowed him to be safe.

These come from Psalm 18, so I am only including the verse, not the book and chapter in this list. Enjoy knowing God more as you read this list. He has chosen to reveal these characteristics to us for a reason. Savor getting to know the God you love even more. Reflect on these characteristics, pray through them, enjoy knowing Him more deeply, and fall in love with Him even more. Do you live your life in a way that acknowledges God is who He says He is? How much comfort there is when we know Him more!

In Psalm 18, David said about the Lord:

1 - my strength

2 - rock in whom I take refuge, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold

3 - worthy of praise, saves from my enemies

6 - hears when I cry for help in distress, hears my voice and cry from his temple

7 - 15 gets angry and controls the weather, water, and earthquakes

13- He is in the heavens, He is the Most High

15- He rebukes

17- rescues from strong enemies, those who hated me, and were too mighty for me

18- my support or stay

19- my rescuer, delights in me (Note from Rene: He delights in us. Doesn't that just fill you with amazement. You are so special to Him!)

20- deals with me according to my righteousness, rewards me for the cleanness of my hands

22- He has rules and statutes for us to follow

24- He rewards according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight

25- with the merciful, shows self merciful; with the blameless, shows Himself blameless

26 - with the purified, shows Himself pure; with the crooked He makes Himself seem tortuous

27 - saves the humble, brings down the haughty

28 - lights my lamp; lightens my darkness

29 - gives strength

30 - his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; a shield for those who take refuge in Him

31- He is the only God, the only rock

32- He equips me with strength; He makes my way blameless

33-34 - He trains David for war and makes his body strong

35 - He has given him the shield of your salvation, His right hand supports me, His gentleness made me great.

36- gives a wide place for my steps, my feet did not slip

39 - equipped with strength for the battle

40 - made my enemies turn their backs to me

41 - when enemies cried to the Lord, He didn't answer them

43 - delivered me from strife with the people, made me the head of nations (He still does this today)

46 - the Lord lives, blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation

47 - God gives vengeance, subdues peoples

48 - God rescues from enemies; Lord exalted David above those against him; God delivered him from the man of violence

49 - Lord among the nations

50 - brings great salvation to his king, shows steadfast love to his anointed, David and his offspring forever

Isn't our God amazing?

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