Discipleship is really about authentic, loving relationships. Jesus modeled His relationship with God through prayer and time with Him. He had relationships with the disciples who were watching Him and learning from Him. Jesus submitted to what God told Him to do. He gave up sleep for prayer. And, his disciples watched. He spent time with the disciples, talked to them, and modeled how one should act if one loves God. He loved the disciples. As we are discipling our children, it really comes down to relationships. Do they see your loving relationship with God? Do they see your desire to pray and read your Bible? Children know who and what we love. We can't hide it from them. Do they see that you view moral right and wrong based on the Bible? Where do you find your identity and purpose? Seek God. Be a disciple of Jesus yourself. Then in authentic, biblical love disciple your children relationally. When you have a loving relationship, you can have hard talks and they can come to you with questions. Pray together. Study the Bible together. Talk about God together. Be different. Current stats show that only a tiny amount of young people have a biblical worldview. Let's dig into the Bible, fall on our knees, pray as a family, and change these stats.